Exploring Identity Through Art: Inspired by Titus Kaphar’s Page 4 of Jefferson's "Farm Book,"...

In this virtual session, museum educators from our Second Sunday Crew guide you in creating a photomontage (similar to a collage) inspired by artist Titus Kaphar and his artwork.
About Titus Kaphar’s Page 4 of Jefferson’s “Farm Book,”…
This painting belongs to a series of tar portraits in which the artist imagines enslaved sitters as freed men and women, a conceptual tactic he calls “visual reparation.” By presenting this sitter in historical dress above her lived status, Kaphar posthumously frees her from forever being represented as a slave. In this work, the artist harnesses the medium of portraiture in an effort to amend American history.
Additional Activity: Notan Square
The Notan Square demonstrates the interaction between negative and positive space in art. In this project you will use your creativity to design art that uses both negative and positive space to make a harmonious composition. Click here to download the Notan Square activity guide.