Weave Your Own Story

Image: Reena Saini Kallat (India, b. 1973), Woven Chronicle, 2011–16. Circuit boards, speakers, electrical wires, and fittings; single‑channel audio (10:00 minutes); approximately 11 x 38 ft. © Reena Saini Kallat. Courtesy the artist and Nature Morte, New Delhi. Installation view, Insecurities: Tracing Displacement and Shelter, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 2016–17. Photograph by Jonathan Muzikar. Digital image © The Museum of Modern Art/Licensed by SCALA/Art Resource, NY
The Anderson Collection offers family activities every Second Sunday of the month in collaboration with the Cantor Arts Center!
During shelter-in-place, we offer a Zoom session with hands-on art activities at 11:00AM PDT. Check back closer to the event to get more details and to download the activity guide.
In this session, inspired by Reena Kallat’s Woven Chronicle on view at the Cantor, you can create a personal artwork and learn the basics of weaving.
Click below to download the activity guide and start weaving your own story!